If you're looking for something that is not part of our online catalog there is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy Vinyl Gourmet quality of service. There is probably no vinyl record or box set in print today that we cannot order for our customers, contact us to get the best price quote for any Vinyl LP Record and an estimated delivery time for your special Direct Order.
If you're looking for something that is not listed in our store, you can order directly from Vinyl Gourmet any item that is available from our suppliers worldwide, to do so you should:
- To make order management easier and to keep all transactions safe, you should create and keep a registered User Account here at Vinyl Gourmet with your email, name, address and if possible a phone number where we can reach you.
- Regarding the items you want to order, please contact us by email at info@vinylgourmet.com or using our Phone Number, to ask us about product availability, price and estimate time for delivery. Please provide artist name and album title, and any other details that might help us identify the records you're looking for.
- In cases when several versions of the same album exist on vinyl, and if the customer is unsure about which one to order, we can also advise on what is the better option in terms of production and sound quality.
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