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Gregorio Paniagua La Spagna 2LP Vinil 180gr Atrium Musicae de Madrid Stan Ricker AudioNautes 2015 EU

Gregorio Paniagua La Spagna 2LP Vinil 180gr Atrium Musicae de Madrid Stan Ricker AudioNautes 2015 EU Maximizar
Artista: Gregorio Paniagua
Título: La Spagna XV, XVI, XVII Centuries
Número de Catálogo: AN-1401
Editora: BIS
Reeditado por: AudioNautes Recordings
Código de Barras: 4260141088305
Ano da edição original: 1980
Ano da reedição: 2015
Quantidade de discos: 2
Rotações por minuto: 33⅓ rpm
Tamanho do disco: 12"
Gramagem do Vinil: 180gr
Edição Limitada: Sim
Peso Total do Artigo: 551gr
País prensagem: Alemanha
Produzido para o Mercado de: EU
Adicionado ao catálogo em: 25 Janeiro, 2017
Vinyl Gourmet TOP 100 Audiófilo: Sim
Nota: Nunca elegível para descontos adicionais
Vinyl Gourmet Club: Não


Preço Unitário: 59,83 €

Referência: AN140133GF

Disponibilidade: Em Stock Pronto Para Envio


Esta reedição da AudioNautes Recordings é especial de várias formas. Não só porque utiliza as master tapes da sessão original disponibilizadas pelo produtor/engenheiro Robert von Bahr, mas principalmente por ser um dos projectos finais do falecido Stan Ricker, é difícil imaginar um tributo mais adequado e fantástico do que esta reedição ao brilhantismo da masterização half-speed de Stan Ricker.



Gregorio Paniagua La Spagna AudioNautes Stan Ricker Half-Speed Mastering 2LP 180 Gram Vinyl



TAS Super LP List - The Absolut Sound

Avaliado em 10/11 Música e 11/11 Som por Michael Fremer (Analog Planet)


Incluído no Vinyl Gourmet TOP 100 Audiófilo 


  • Edição Limitada
  • Duplo LP Vinil 180 Gramas Audiófilo
  • Masterização Half-Speed a partir das Master Tapes Originais
  • Corte 100% Analógico por Stan Ricker na SRM
  • Prensagem na Pallas da Alemanha
  • Capa Gatefold



Gregorio Paniagua La Spagna AudioNautes Stan Ricker Half-Speed Mastering 2LP 180 Gram Vinyl


Reissued on 180-gram vinyl for the first time since it was recorded. Half-speed mastered from the original analog tapes by Stan Ricker, pressed at Pallas in Germany. Double 33 1/3 RPM gatefold LP. On the The Absolute Sound list of must-hear audiophile recordings!


"The original was recorded by Robert von Bahr live to a Revox A77 using but a spaced pair of Sennheiser MKH 105 condenser microphones. The simple chain produces a recording of astonishing transparency, three-dimensionality and coherency ... This reissue on Fabio Camorani's AudioNautes Recordings label is special in a number of ways. First of all it utilizes the original session tapes provided by the producer/engineer Robert von Bahr, but most importantly it's one of the late Stan Ricker's final projects and I cannot think of a more fitting and fantastic tribute than this reissue to Stan Ricker's half-speed mastering brilliance and the quality of his cutting system electronics custom designed and hand-crafted by Keith O. Johnson. Ricker went through many lacquers and even broke a cutter head in an effort to inscribe onto the lacquers all of the percussive transient detail on the tape." — Music = 10/11; Sound = 11/11 - Michael Fremer, AnalogPlanet.

There can be none more fitting and fantastic tribute to the late Stan Ricker's half-speed mastering brillance and the quality of his cutting system electronics (designed and hand-crafted by Keith O. Johnson) than this reissued double LP. Ricker's devotion to the half-speed mastering technique - the lathe cutter head turns at precisely half the desired playback speed, giving the cutting head twice the time to cut complex analog grooves into the lacquer - produced this exceptional reissue on Fabio Camorani's AudioNautes Recordings label. Ricker went through many lacquers and even broke a cutter head in an effort to inscribe onto the lacquers all of the percussive transient detail on the recording tape!

This double LP set has resided on The Absolute Sound's 'Super Disc' list since dinosaurs ruled. It has an incredible variety of music and instruments from a 200-year period. There are no voices. The sound is very clean, transparent, complex and extended in the highs. The harmonic richness and decay within the hall is outstanding. The soundstage is very deep, but it is not unusually wide.

The disc is simply ravishing. It's a classic analogue recording from 1980, lovingly produced, engineered and edited by Robert von Bahr using a Revox A77 and two - presumably spaced — simple Sennheiser MKH105 omni condenser mikes (vintage early '60's design); it amply shows the merits of a simple signal path, combined with minimal intervention and post-processing.

The recording immediately astonishes with its fluid, natural and utterly truthful sound, And the acoustic of the Chapel of the Imperial College, Madrid is just beautiful. The music, all 80 minutes of it, features variations on three archetypal Spanish themes (La Spagna, a Spagnoletta and Pavane), as interpreted by different composers such as Praetorius, Farnaby, Negri, Josquin Desprez, Ortiz and others. Aided by impeccable playing and 'realisation' of the basic themes, the end result is lively, fun and eclectic.


"This is one of the TOP discs ever! An amazing opportunity... When I first sent the email to Robert von Bahr I did not get a yes. Also this time it took a long time to have a yes and an agreement. Robert sent me the very precious original master tapes and I forwarded them immediately to Stan Ricker for another Half Speed mastering. Stan made a lot of comments on how hard was to cut them! It took 21 lacquers and a couple of cutting heads to get want we wanted. And meanwhile the precious Stan's lathe got broken (power supply) and we needed to wait for Prof. Johnson to prepared new (and upgraded) power supply boards for the custom made audio boards of the lathe. So, after 3 generations of test pressings we got the final result we wanted." - F. Camorani 

"Originally released in 1980 on the Swedish BIS label, the double LP la Spagna XV-XVI-XVII Centuries became an instant, certified “audiophile classic”. It was on the late Harry Pearson’s “Super Disc” list since forever, with used copies regularly fetching upwards of $200. la Spagna  One of Stan Ricker's Final Cuts is a Gift to Audiophiles" - Michael Fremer, Analog Planet



Lista de Faixas:


LP 1

01. Spagna Contrapunto
02. Spagnoletta
03. Danza Alta, Sobre "La Spagna"
04. Basse Danse Du Roy De Spaingne A XLIIII Notes A VI Measures
05. Triste Espana
06. Triste Espana
07. Historia Baetica
08. La Spagna
09. Calata A La Spagnola I
10. Calata A La Spagnola II
11. Calata A La Spagnola III
12. Calata A La Spagnola IV
13. Spaniol Kochesberger
14. Spaniol Tancz
15. The Old Spagnoleta
16. Spagnioletta
17. Triste Espana
18. Re Di Spagna
19. La Bassa Castiglya - Falla Con Misuras
20. La Spagna
21. La Spagna
22. Olvida Tu Perdicion Espana

LP 2

01. Spagnioler Tancz
02. Hopper Dancz "Spagna"
03. Spanieler
04. Espagnoletta
05. Spagnoletto
06. Villanicco Di Spagna
07. Pavaniglia Di Spagna
08. Spagnoletto Da Capo
09. La Spagna A 5
10. Recercada Primera Sobra Canto Llano La Spagna
11. Recercada Segunda
12. Recercada Tercera
13. Recercada Quarta
14. Recercada Quinta
15. Recercada Sesta
16. Gagliarda Quarta A 5 Alla Spagnola
17. Een Spaense Voys
18. Pavana Hispanica
19. The Spaynard
20. The Spanish Pavane
21. Triste Espana
22. Ricercar Spagnuola "Duna Cossa Spagnola"
23. Ain Spaniyelischer Hoff Dantz
24. Tres Sobre El Canto Ilano De La Alta
25. Triste Espana
26. Spagnoletta Nuova Al Nodo Di Madrigal
27. Furioso Alla Spagnuola
28. Padvana Hispanica


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Impex 1STEP VR900-Supreme Vinyl
Blue Note Records 80º Aniversário
Acoustic Sounds Series
Colecção: Analogue Productions UHQR
Edição: MoFi UltraDisc One-Step UD1S


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