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The Allman Brothers Band LP Vinil 180 Gramas Mobile Fidelity Edição Limitada Numerada MoFi MFSL USA

Artista: The Allman Brothers Band
Título: The Allman Brothers Band
Número de Catálogo: MFSL 1-397
Editora: ATCO Records
Reeditado por: Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab
Código de Barras: 821797139717
Ano da edição original: 1969
Ano da reedição: 2012
Quantidade de discos: 1
Rotações por minuto: 33⅓ rpm
Tamanho do disco: 12"
Gramagem do Vinil: 180gr
Edição Limitada: Sim
Edição Numerada: Sim
Peso Total do Artigo: 542gr
País prensagem: USA
Produzido para o Mercado de: USA
Adicionado ao catálogo em: 18 Setembro, 2015
Colecção: MFSL Original Master Recording
Nota: Não elegível para descontos adicionais
Vinyl Gourmet Club: Sim


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Preço Unitário: 37,47 €

Referência: MF331397GF

Disponibilidade: Fora de stock


Vindos de Macon, Georgia, confundiam-se com as bandas de jovens esperançados que tentavam superar a passagem dos anos 60 para os 70. O revivalismo dos blues provocado pela Invasão Britânica tinha ocorrido anos antes, no entanto o seu som era único, a sua juventude desafiada por virtuosismo e dinâmica como banda que faria inveja a Miles Davis. Tudo começou com este album homónimo fabuloso.



Avaliado em 9/10 Música e 8/10 Som por Michael Fremer (Analog Planet)


  • Edição Limitada
  • Edição Numerada
  • Vinil 180 Gramas de Alta Definição prensado na RTI USA
  • Masterização half-speed no Gain 2 Ultra Analog System
  • Masterização Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab
  • Corte a partir das Master Tapes Analógicas Originais
  • Masterizado por Krieg Wunderlich e Rob LoVerde
  • Capas interiores especiais antiestáticas
  • Capa Deluxe de cartão grosso e pesado



1969 Debut Set Stage for the Legendary Status That Followed. Unrivaled Sonics: Mastered from the Original Master Tapes, Mobile Fidelity Edition Provides Window Into What Went Down at New York’s Atlantic Recording Studios

They hailed from Macon, Georgia. They looked liked any number of young, hopeful bands straddling the violent fade of the 1960s with the advent of the 1970s. They missed the British Invasion-triggered blues revival by several years. Yet they sounded like no other group, their youthfulness belied by virtuosic abilities and interlocking interplay Miles Davis would've envied. It all starts here, on a smoldering self-titled debut that has few peers.

Mastered from the original master tapes, Mobile Fidelity's 180g LP of The Allman Brothers Band joins the unparalleled reissue imprint’s other Allman titles in presenting the inimitable group's music in the most lifelike, uncompromising fidelity anyone has ever heard. Opening up the dynamic contrasts, clearing direct paths for the frequency ranges, and ensuring optimal balances and neutrality, this edition takes listeners to the producer’s chair at New York’s Atlantic Studios as the sessions went down. The Allman Brothers Band has never sounded so crisp, clear, or defined.

Having already cut its collective teeth via live shows throughout the South, the Allman Brothers Band was properly vetted for its initial major-label foray. In particular, Gregg and Duane Allman had done stints in several other collectives that recorded a handful of long-forgotten records. Duane, too, established himself as a go-to whiz-kid slide and lead guitarist, becoming a session instrumentalist for Muscle Shoals’ FAME Studios and playing with the likes of Aretha Franklin, Percy Sledge, Wilson Pickett, and others.

He and organist/vocalist Gregg’s deft touch and innate knack for soulful tonalities help define his namesake group’s eponymous debut, notched with raw-boned R&B and purifying gospel motifs that seeped into the duo’s consciousness while growing up in Jacksonville. Complemented by likeminded lead guitarist Dickey Betts and a trio of similarly minded masters, the siblings quickly changed history on this 1969 set famous for stunningly resonant blues, spirit-moving soul, and polyrhythmic rock.

Entering with a memorable one-two punch in which fluid jazz lines mutate into an anguished 12-bar blues exchange between Gregg and Duane, continuing with an edgy and worthy take of Muddy Waters’ “Trouble No More,” and closing with the landscape-shifting workout "Whipping Post," a preview of things to come, The Allman Brothers Band contains no flaws. Then there’s the aching of "Dreams," a melodic 12/8-time piece showcasing slide-guitar voodoo and psychedelic aftertastes. Don’t miss this stellar work.

"Mobile Fidelity's reissue is a huge improvement in terms of overall instrumental clarity, dynamics and especially bass extension and clarity. The old Mo-Fi issue of rolled highs and anemic dynamics have been 100% eliminated. If you're a fan of this album and have heard it a thousand times, I promise you, you've never heard it like this…this Mobile Fidelity beats the original in every way." ~ Michael Fremer, Analog Planet

Lista de Faixas:

01. Don’t Want You No More
02. It's Not My Cross to Bear
03. Black Hearted Woman
04. Trouble No More
05. Every Hungry Woman
06. Dreams
07. Whipping Post


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