Duke Ellington & Johnny Hodges Back To Back 2LP 45rpm Vinil 200g Verve Analogue Productions QRP USA

Título: Back To Back
Número de Catálogo: AP-6055
Editora: Verve
Reeditado por: Analogue Productions
Código de Barras: 753088605512
Ano da edição original: 1959
Ano da reedição: 2012
Quantidade de discos: 2
Rotações por minuto: 45 rpm
Tamanho do disco: 12"
Gramagem do Vinil: 200gr
Edição Limitada: Sim
Peso Total do Artigo: 549gr
País prensagem: USA
Produzido para o Mercado de: USA
Adicionado ao catálogo em: 28 Fevereiro, 2017
Colecção: Analogue Productions Verve Series
Nota: Nunca elegível para descontos adicionais
Vinyl Gourmet Club: Sim
Duke Ellington dedicou um album inteiro ao tema do Blues. Mas em vez de convidar toda a sua orquestra para o estúdio, escolheu apenas a secção rítmica e Johnny Hodges, a sua estrela no saxofone alto. Além disso pediu a Harry 'Sweets' Edison, que tocava trompete na Count Basie Band, para se juntar a eles. Não foi necessário grande plano ou arranjos... estes músicos não precisam dessas coisas!
- Edição Limitada
- Duplo LP 45rpm em Vinil 200 gramas
- Prensagem na QRP USA
- Corte por George Marino
- Masterizado na Sterling Sound
- Corte a partir das Master Tapes Analógicas Originais
The Blues! Played again and again. Rediscovered and reinvented again and again. The foundation of all different types and styles of popular music from 1890 to the present day! Although not always recognizable as such, and often labeled Blues although not adhering to the strict form, it has provided the basis for music by such diverse artists as Louis Armstrong, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, and Eric Clapton. It was obvious that the Duke, too, should devote a complete LP to this theme. But instead of inviting his whole orchestra into the studio, he only chose the rhythm group and Johnny Hodges, his star soloist on the alto saxophone. In addition he asked Harry 'Sweets' Edison, who played muted trumpet in the Count Basie Band, to join them. Did they consult with one another? These musicians don't need that sort of thing! Arrangements? What for? For the Blues? Absolutely unnecessary! It's in our blood! Playing the Blues is outdated? No way! Just listen to our "Royal Garden Blues"! Modern Riffs in every single second! By the way: this latter number is the only true blues - strictly speaking - among these nine titles.
And there is something less well known to discover among the numbers recorded at the 1959 session: although he himself described his orchestra as his most important and best instrument, as a pianist the Duke proves to be an excellent accompanist in this small combo.
Several times in his career star alto-saxophone soloist Johnny Hodges struck out on his own, only to return each time to Duke Ellington's band. There seemed to be a constant tension between them, though it was old hat by the time of this 1959 recording. In the enclosed notes, critic Michael Ullman examines this complex relationship, suggesting that the blues classics chosen for this program may have been neutral ground. A place where Ellington's unique piano playing could come to the fore and Hodges' irrepressible sensuality could have free rein. This is one of the very best small-group records Ellington ever made. a relaxed, perfectly integrated set of music that truly swings the blues!
"These are all truly classic Verve titles that you simply don't want to miss...most importantly, the sound of these reissues is nothing short of astounding!" - Danny Kaey, Positive Feedback Online
Duke Ellington, piano
Johnny Hodges, saxofone alto
Harry "Sweets" Edison, trompete
Les Spann, guitarra
Al Hall, baixo
Sam Jones, baixo
Jo Jones, bateria
Lista de Faixas:
1. Wabash Blues
2. Basin Street Blues
3. Beale Street Blues
4. Weary Blues
5. St. Louis Blues
6. Loveless Love
7. Royal Garden Blues
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